Disabilities Officer

To become the Disability Officer, you must consider yourself to have a disability. Within your role you must advocate and represent disabled students at college, you must share the feedback with the Students’ Union and College. To ensure effective communication you should maintain contact with groups and organisations which work on disability issues and accessibility. You should promote positive involvement of disabled students in all areas of the Students’ Union and activities. When implementing and planning activities you must make sure that it is accessible and inclusive for all students. It would be beneficial if you organised a disabled support group.    

Nominations for this posts open on Monday 5th October and close on Friday 9th October at 5pm. To submit your nomination, you will need to go to the following link on the above dates only. Nominations will not be accepted before or after these dates. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=IvmxHd7_WkC69sDkokVSqWWJ6mIuGxtDiytmae_OqwVUQVlWQThFRTRYVUpUNTZPTVpVTFYwT0NCNC4u

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Registration Details

Students' Union Office: Ipswich Road Campus room A40a
Affiliated by NUS

Contact the SU- Tel: 01603 773077 Email: studentunion@ccn.ac.uk

Drop in: Monday to Thursday 8:30- 17:00 / Fridays 8:30-16:30  Paston College Drop in: Thursdays in the Cafe Seating Area